Publicada em: 14/09/2004 às 17:18 |
Uma literatura anfíbia
In Brazil, literary art is a realm in which esthetics - its "cosmopolitan" component - is inseparable from politics - its local component. This mixed, or "amphibious", nature of contemporary Brazilian literature can have the effect of alienating readers both domestically and abroad. For literary artists, fiction constitutes simultaneously the production and dissemination of knowledge. This dual project is only partially attained in Brazil, where book shows on television have in many instances replaced reading, and internationally, where foreign readers have tended to prefer texts produced for export by lesser Brazilian writers, who denounce social injustice through the use of shocking rhetoric. This presentation addresses the difficulties that writers face in their "utopian" quest to explore the liberating aspects of art and politics in a country and in a region in which economic inequality, violence and social alienation are defining traits of the social order. Key-words
Uma literatura anfíbia